WhatsApp Black

App Name | WhatsApp Black APK |
App Version | V35.00 |
Update date | 11 Jan 2022 |
App Publisher | App Development Team |
App Requirement | Android 4+ |
App Category | WhatsApp Black |
File size | 65MB |
What's new in downloading WhatsApp Black, download the latest version?
There are many additions saved and listed as follows:
🔆 No one will know that you saw their story.
🔆You can use multiple accounts through the app.
🔆It can be used to record your notes for the number of sounds used in this version
🔆You can delete the stickers you sent.
🔆 Influencer chats with advanced settings.
🔆Messages are quickly accessed after those updates.
🔆All rights reserved to WhatsApp Black only for specific users or devices.
🔆 Auto reply feature.
🔆Dark mode is applied to the entire program, the work of the thematic server imposed on it is optimized.
WhatsApp Black application
WhatsApp Black🤩 updates, and the latest version presented as a more advanced version of WhatsApp, many functions that it provides and you will find the most important that you can get with WhatsApp Black Choose how to use it. You will be able to have complete control over the application, in all respects.
In terms of your protection, you can watch videos, at the same time, you can use the extension view for your privacy.
You can use to keep your information and data private with a password.
WhatsApp Black We will provide a full explanation of the wonderful features that contain distinctive paragraphs that will make you very happy.
We will give you the opportunity to participate in the release with friends. for this reason; We provide you with stability and control that works for you; Simply download the version that gives you the features you want. It is clear that WhatsApp Black deservedly deserved its fame, through the capabilities, services and features that it includes.
A lot gives you WhatsApp Black which is a dream for genuine WhatsApp users!
Unique information and features about WhatsApp Black APK
You can collect this information only through our main website that provides you with the application with its versions and reliable links, and everything that may interest you, since this version is for the December -20252024-2023 update, and it will not be installed before The version that you downloaded before is removed, then install the version updated on your device. With every update of this application, with a full description of its features and characteristics.
➰Download WhatsApp Black
🤗The version was released a long time ago. Download the WhatsApp Black update, the application is as follows:
◾App Name: WhatsApp Black
◾version: Android 4 and above.
◾version name: V 35.0.1
◾ Size: 69 MB.
◾There is no need to root the device, it works on it immediately after installation.
◾ Update: periodically.
How to WhatsApp Black download?!
When you want to enjoy this version you have, you will have to:
🔰 First download it to your device, and doing so requires a number of steps that must be completed sequentially and well, emphasizing the opportunity to obtain the capabilities offered by the application; These steps are as follows:
🔰 As a first step, you need to allow the installation from external sources, since the hardware is installed, just do not allow the installation of any software outside the official store added to the system, and make sure that this feature is activated. ; WhatsApp Black will download, install and launch.
🔰 Go to the installer link to download the app.
This link will help you get the new version of the application easily, and once you click on the link, the download will start immediately
🔰Wait for a while for the download to complete, this will take some time, but how long it takes depends on the speed of your network connection.
In addition to the free space on the device, as the size does not exceed 50 megabytes only.
🔰 When the package installation is complete, you can open the file on the device, and here you will encounter the same problem, which is related to not allowing installation from external sources, but fortunately the downloads are fully opened; This step will open and install your package.
🔰 After the installation is complete, go to the external screen on your phone, and you will notice that the app has joined your list; And a special icon has been placed on the external interface of the phone, if you allow it.
🔰Click on the icon and open the application, in this step you do not need a different way to register your account; As the method used is the same as that used in the official WhatsApp application, and it does not differ in anything.
🔰 Select your country and write the number on which you want to create the account, knowing that only one account is created through one number and it cannot be opened from more than one device.
🔰 Make sure the number mentioned is correct, and click send code to make sure the number is correct; This code is expected to arrive in your messages within seconds.
🔰Enter the verification code you received in the required field, then press Submit to confirm your number and open the account for you.
🔰Choose a code name for yourself, and know that the name will not appear, unless your number is saved to them, but if it is saved, only the name registered with them will appear.
Choose the permanent status written next to your name and it has no specific time.
How to WhatsApp Black update
The update is its primary purpose to give new features, it will not be added to your copy without an update, and therefore it was necessary for you to have a complete idea of the updates that you download, and the functions that you add.
💥There are some steps that you must follow, and they are as follows:
🌐 Do not forget initially to save a copy of what is stored in WhatsApp from conversations, media, etc., because when you start the update, you may lose part of your data during the process, and therefore it was necessary to follow this step to preserve the data, and you can do this through the application settings. for this reason; Testing WhatsApp Black APK, clicking on Conversations or Chats, then selecting Copy and you are expected to see a relative counter of what has been saved: of these conversations until you think the copy is fully saved. saved, and this is in case you are already connected to the cloud.
🌐While if you are not connected to the cloud, you will need another step. When you choose to burn, it invites you to connect to your account on the cloud drive first; Then start downloading and keep copy easily.
The speed in completing that step is only related to the strength of the connection, and depends also on the size to which it must be lifted; You can also control the capacity your phone is configured to handle to handle such conditions.
🌐 After that, you do not need to delete the copy, but it is possible to delete it if you had a previous experience in which problems appeared; However, on installation, you will find that the data is available to you and kept securely anytime you need it.
🌐Download the required version, and make sure it is in APK format; And make sure you download the latest version of WhatsApp Gold.
After the download is complete, open the application package and then start the installation, you will find the link listed at the end of this article, so follow the topic so that you can use it properly.
🌐 After completing the above and making sure you download the same copy you had before, be sure to save your copy; As is and you can get back all your data well.
🌐 After installing your version, you need to restore your account again, and run the new updated application, but it is necessary to know that you will do it in the same way, as you follow when registering your account in the official WhatsApp account, where you will first be asked to select the country in which you are. , then enter your code.
🌐 After doing this, you enter your phone number and make sure that it is written correctly and confirmed, so that a special code will be sent to it to ensure that the number is correct and that you own it.
🌐 As the message arrives on your phone, you will find that there is a place for the code you received, so record it in that space from left to right; You can allow WhatsApp to access your messages so that this code is completed automatically and without your intervention.
🌐At the bottom of the page you will see both of which give you a choice. The first one allows you to continue as a new account that is being used for the first time, and by clicking on this option you can complete an option. A new account will be registered for you; Without trying to take a copy of your private data and conversations.
🌐While the other option relates to restoring the copy previously saved in the cloud, by clicking on it, you can bring up your old copy that you saved before, as well as restore the name and status you use for the account; Download WhatsApp Black, the button to press so you can restore your conversations before updating the app .So you have all your conversations, documents and media from the cloud
🌐With the new update you can adjust the application; And the appearance and colors and adjust them the way you want as you want.
How to download WhatsApp Black for iPhone?!
Your need to download that copy of WhatsApp makes your search continuous, especially if you are an iPhone user, who until recently did not support this application, but unfortunately the application was already available for l iPhone while the company was making updates on the iPhone. Systems to prevent iPhone users from using it on their devices. These updates were known as ios 14, as these updates start from the beginning of maintaining security for users.
While the app is generally quite safe, attempts are under way to update the app to work on those devices.
➰How to use WhatsApp Black?
It is worth noting that when you download the application you will find that it is completely similar to the official WhatsApp application, but of course when you can create and modify appearances and perform the properties that you control, and through which you will be. Find out that it is very different from the regular WhatsApp, and through these lines we will give you the right way to use the complete application. for this reason; Download Black Whats appApk, and enjoy all its features and advantages.
Click on the three dots at the top of the screen, which you usually click when you want to change your name or photo.
After that, you will find that there is a menu that you can get, to access the WhatsApp Black settings, click on the option called Settings; Through it you will find all the options with which you can control your application.
The first thing you will find in front of you on the page is a message asking you to follow the developer; This will help you know about any updates or suggestions for resolving problems you may encounter when updating or using.
After skipping that message, you will find a list of different categories starting with Protection and Privacy, which gives you the ability to control the application, whether or not your presence and activity is displayed, and when you want your last appearance on the site. The app for others, and this feature will also benefit you in some cases, other things.
After you modify as you wish, you will find that the second paragraph is concerned with themes, which give your WhatsApp application a distinctive look and through which you can choose from several themes to apply to you in WhatsApp; That changes its look, the way it displays your conversations, and everything changes in the app once you change the theme on it.
➰WhatsApp Black apk
It allows you to set the theme you want, and you can use it even if you have already installed a ready-made theme, and it takes care of adjusting the colors in the upper and lower bars. WhatsApp Black You can change font, backup data, etc.
After this point, you will find a page titled Home Screen, which is all the settings related to the application interface, including colors, icons, and organizing the entire appearance in the application, and you will also find it through control from the application. The lines that separate each conversation from the next, so you can control the color of those separators. -There are more settings that you know when you open and format settings.
We end up like this, then we find the conversation screen, which is a point on the screen that appears in the conversation you have with a person or with a group, and you can also choose the colors in it as well as the appearance. Conversation bubbles in and out, so you can change the check mark to indicate read and receive messages that appear as soon as the message appears. Choose from over 30 new looks for her.
➰Update WhatsApp Black
There is also a special setting for your notifications to appear, which you will find in the notifications box, which is concerned with your choice to see a notification that a contact has become online, shows your status, or even has changed. status or image, and you can control these colors. For this reason; Download WhatsApp Black, notification and where it appears easily.
One of the best features of WhatsApp Black, which allows you to set some saved messages, to be sent on predetermined dates, is one of the special things
➰ The icons that appear for the application on the interface of your phone, which show you some of the messages that have reached you with an answer to them, which is a way that allows you to maintain the application. . Open, although not completely open so that you can take more care of your work without being disturbed, and you can also keep up to date with the latest news at the same time with the great auto-responder feature. For this reason, download WhatsApp Black and you can change its colors and appearance and fully control it with this option.
➰Remove Junk Files is a way to get rid of any unnecessary files on the app; Use this feature periodically to save space on the phone, as well as to improve the functioning of the application.
Finally, you can share the app with others without having to go into the browser, and then access the site; They do a lot of steps, but when you share the app with them, they can download and install faster and more efficiently.
➰What is WhatsApp Black, original APK?!
When we try to define this application, we find ourselves in front of an unparalleled software masterpiece, as the application is a major contributor to serving those customers who resort to it, and if you are among them, you are certainly aware. No matter how much information you have, it still needs many additions. for this reason; WhatsApp Black, continues to renew and remains in a series of continuous development to meet all possible needs.
The application gives you many advantages, as we said before, but these features are not fixed, but multiply and develop with each update that is installed for you time after time, and among what we highlight here is that the application can be closed. And not only that, it can be locked with a pattern or a secret code, and your fingerprint can be used to unlock it easily and smoothly. WhatsApp Black You can also change all its details, but you can do it just like any other messaging application, like Telegram, for example; Or Instagram, choosing the same image and colors.
➰WhatsApp Black
The application is completely free, it will not ask you to pay, it will not ask you to watch an advertisement, to get the necessary feature, and it is safe and there is no danger to your device. of it at all, and other companies cannot block it to force you to use their version of the app, which lacks the minimum functionality available in this app. for this reason; WhatsApp Black In general, it cannot be considered that there is another application that is better than WhatsApp, even applications similar to it; It is not better than it and is not distinguished from it by anything, but it is distinguished from all other applications by its security, protection and features.
What is the difference between Black Whatsapp and Green Whatsapp?!
There is no similarity between regular WhatsApp and black WhatsApp, because WhatsApp Black fully meets your needs while maintaining freedom, to achieve the look you like and desire in your application, and it is clear that it contains images and information that you choose with confidence, knowing that it will be as you want, and we will talk Below is what makes the two apps different from each other. for this reason; WhatsApp Black Apk, and we will present what can be considered as a comparison between the two applications and these differences such as:
Regular WhatsApp does not give you any kind of privacy, as:
You cannot put any form of lock on your app, and this is what makes accessing your information through this app very easy. Problems are known to happen often between people; And some of them are due to the ease of viewing other people's WhatsApp conversations.
There are also other forms of privacy, like you don't want to be seen as a caller, and that happens at different times, like if you want to reply to a message that came to you from someone important, but you don't. I want to. others know you are in the app; But no, this is not available through regular WhatsApp.
As you can see the messages, a problem that arises between many friends because of a question (you looked at my messages and then ignored!), and this can happen for many reasons, but some friends are shocked to see that; The application does not allow you to show that you have read the messages, nor even to delay until later to respond to them.
The activity you do on the app is allowed, because you can't write a message to the person without them knowing, nor even create an audio recording for them, and this can be useful to you in case of automatic replies; If the customer doesn't know you haven't written now, they won't know it's an auto reply, but as usual, WhatsApp doesn't include this feature.
Deleted messages from conversations raise a lot of suspicion, despite the insignificance of the content of most of them, and the official WhatsApp application allows you to delete them without knowing the content of the message that was deleted from the sender. .
And although they did not include all these important functions in the regular WhatsApp, they did not abandon them. WhatsApp Black has been developing constantly, tirelessly; It also adds a lot of benefit to all customers.
When you install the regular WhatsApp, you will find that it will need a lot of space, unlike the WhatsApp Black, where:
The official WhatsApp application is quite large when its package is installed, and it takes up a lot of space from the very beginning of its use.
And with all the media and chats it contains, the phone becomes too big to use many apps near it.
With WhatsApp it is not possible to delete the junk files without harming the important ones, hence they take up a lot of space.
In the same way, the application did not justify the reason for consuming all that space, because it cannot download, nor does it carry in it features and characteristics that require some space for the application, nor anything like that; Indeed, why he needed these spaces is incomprehensible.
And security here means keeping data from being stalked, such as:
There are no restrictions on third parties accessing your data through your phone, and by that we mean that the phone and the app can be unlocked by anyone who holds the phone because there is no app lock to it.
Even WhatsApp Black offers various options to hide from others, including ones that are difficult to notice for those who don't use the app.
Those who have not previously tried to take advantage of these functions on it, while the regular WhatsApp did not provide the minimum level of security to its users.
In terms of security, which means that the application is vulnerable to attacks by intruders, hackers, or the arrival of viruses through it, so both applications are the same in this.
Because the WhatsApp Black app is based on the infrastructure of the regular WhatsApp app.
The degree of security and protection provided by regular WhatsApp is the same as that provided by WhatsApp Black, and this is more understandable.
When we find that there are some updates made on the regular WhatsApp and we find that they are related to the WhatsApp Black at the same time
💥Media sent:
The regular WhatsApp does not contribute to making use of it in a professional way, so that the application generates a specific number to send
If you share photos, you can send no more than 30 photos at a time: and if there are many photos, you won't know which ones have been sent and which aren't yet!
Other than that, sending is often here for many photos and more than that number, thus resorting to WhatsApp Black to escape from those irrational limits.
Even when you try to send a video, you will be faced with the fact that it only has to be 15M! We don't talk about it much because it obviously makes sharing clips pointless.
WhatsApp Black multiplies these numbers, allowing for multiple photos.
It also allows large size videos, without the need for cropping and cropping, to share videos between you and your peers, relatives and family.
Some information about WhatsApp Black Download for Android APK:
This application is one of the most famous applications that have been modified based on the official WhatsApp, as developers are constantly working on producing daily updates for WhatsApp Black, and among the features it is called WhatsApp Black. is that it is not subject to ban. .
The version is prepared to meet a specific type of customer need, for example, you will be able to download it on another WhatsApp side by side on the same devices, as it is compatible with other versions that you use on the same device without any problems.
These versions provide a lot of what you need from the application, as if you download, use and adjust this application, you will not be able to go back to using the old WhatsApp again, and this means that WhatsApp Black is the most unique among them, and this is due to what it gives you of unique features that you do on applications . for this reason; Download WhatsApp Black, which has had and still has many users who like it.
Some users may wonder, does downloading this app require payment?
The answer to this, of course, is no, because the application, with its updates and all its functions, does not need to pay, nor to watch ads. The application only requires using what you want, and nothing more is expected from you, and this application was originally developed by a professional programmer. For this reason; WhatsApp Black,🤩 which is one of the most effective developers, and this masterpiece came into his hands, and everything that came after it was an imitation.
You may encounter some problems when trying to update the application, but we will explain ways to avoid them in detail in the relevant paragraph, so that you are aware of all their advantages, and you can identify the problems that you encounter when installing and using, and then we identify and specify for you how to deal with them well. for this reason; WhatsApp Black does not contain any errors that affect the operation of the application or device.
Regarding the security of the application, it is not recommended to worry, because it will be a false concern, and this is safe, but when you know that the application is scanned periodically and it is confirmed that there is any malware. As we said, it has the same infrastructure and substrate as Green Watts.
WhatsApp Black download features and how to update to the new update:
💥Starred Messages:
This extension allows you to keep some messages in the star list.
It is easy to return this at any time with ease, and it is easy to find it among the many correspondences.
💥Scheduled messages:
A special feature with which you can notify your friends and clients of your presence, even if you are not actually there.
You can set the message and set a specific date when it will be automatically sent to the intended destination.
💥 Separate Internet from WhatsApp Black
It's an underrated feature that helps you focus better.
When you have to work on your device, it prevents the clutter of messages that come to you, and also saves your time.
💥Hide conversations in WhatsApp Black Gold:
One of the extras added after the app has been developing for a while, and it's a very important feature for you.
It provides you the highest degree of privacy, and you can add a code to this list so that no one can access it.
What is not mentioned is that these locks do not have to match the WhatsApp lock you set earlier.
This makes it secure even if the lock is known to some.
💥Privacy in WhatsApp Black
There are different settings for maintaining privacy in the application, since you can open it every day.
Rather, you cannot close everyone, chat with such and such, and at the same time show others that you have not used the application a year ago.
This is what I touched to see how you can maintain your privacy and comfort in using and accessing the application.
💥Download WhatsApp statuses from WhatsApp Black:
The way you can have any status you want, if it is visible you can download it.
If it's text, you can copy it, keep it, and share it as you wish.
💥Customize the interface in WhatsApp Black:
This means using looks, themes, and colors, and there is nothing in the app that you can't change and position the way you want.
You can choose the application icon, notification icons, and everything else, and you can also change the font of the program itself; Without affecting the phone line, and you can change its language without any problems.
💥WhatsApp Black wallpapers and themes
There's an entire server full of themes that aim to change the look of the app, starting with the chat background; Until you change the top bars and your chat box.
💥Schedule messages in WhatsApp Black
Do you miss a lot of congratulatory messages, for example?, and cause you pain to those who are waiting for your participation?, but now WhatsApp Black will help you overcome this matter, because it allows you to schedule messages and send them to the specified numbers. numbers on requested dates; This does not give the opportunity to be busy or forgetful.
💥Custom messages in WhatsApp Black
A feature that allows you to receive messages in large quantities without a problem, as it helps to organize those messages; It is a service that allows you to see some messages and not others, and he is the one who activated his notifications so that he can follow them.
💥Lock for WhatsApp new update
A feature that gives you security when using the application, as you can choose between different locking methods; Even if your phone supports a fingerprint sensor, you will be able to launch the app with your fingerprint.
💥Read deleted messages in WhatsApp Black
You will not lose any messages from now, even if the sender deletes them, there is a feature that prevents them from disappearing from the conversation, which gives you a complete view of what is happening around you without losing links, you will find. the full conversation with you; With the addition of a small flag telling you to delete only, nothing more.
💥 Download WhatsApp Black without ads
The application does not need advertisements or advertisements to continue working with you, but it is completely free, and you can use it without any disturbance.
All functions of the application are open and available for immediate use and agreement, no extensions are downloaded and no compensation is required.
💥 Compatibility with Android versions
This feature is available in the sense that whatever your device is and whatever Android version you have, you will be able to use the application on it, because these applications support all devices, even if they are weak in hardware capabilities. for this reason; WhatsApp Black maintains the performance of the phone without heaviness or stuttering.
💥 Multiple copies of WhatsApp Black
These copies can all be used on the same device, and each has an account that passes it on; Only the necessary copy can be downloaded as needed.
💥Best WhatsApp Anti Ban Modifier:
There were previous attempts to modify WhatsApp, but they failed constantly until WhatsApp Black appeared, which is considered the best among all these versions, because it does not lack a feature that can benefit customers without integrating it into it. Therefore, its functions have multiplied and are always added to each new one.
💥 WhatsApp Black stickers
The application is free, and its forms are distinct, and more are added with each update; Its shape and size can also be changed, and you can check what you have left of it, and what's available later if you want to renew it.
💥Send multiple photos and videos at once
This is when you select what to send and then click on the Send tab and with WhatsApp Black; You will not find any obstacles in the way of completing this, and the transmission will be done without difficulty, after the matter faced many obstacles before its completion.
💥 Group calls in WhatsApp Black
It is effective and you can enjoy it easily and with the highest quality, and it allows communication between two or more people easily.
💥Open two WhatsApp numbers on the same phone from WhatsApp Black
You no longer have to install two apps if you have two numbers, not even more copies with the number of accounts; Instead, the single version lets you run more than one account on it, without the problems I encountered.
💥VPN function in WhatsApp Black Proxy Breaker
The VPN feature cannot be specifically described in words, because it is activated in the app and allows those who are blocked to use the app; It makes the application unblocked and gives you the ability to use it without problems and without being tracked.
How to open WhatsApp Black Web for PC against ban?!
These copies are usable on the computer, without the need to download the copy for the computer; And you only need 3 steps to operate, which are as follows:
🔰Step 1:
Through the browser, type in the web search bar of WhatsApp, and with the download, a code will appear that must be read by the designated reader.
🔰Step 2:
Launch WhatsApp on your phone, tap on the first three dots, and then choose to include WhatsApp Web.
The camera will show you the barcode reader on your computer.
🔰Step 3:
Put the barcode on the whole computer in the frame of the phone, it won't take a second.
You will find your WhatsApp application running on the computer.
Download all versions of WhatsApp Black
There are several versions of the app that you can download to suit your particular device, and we provide an overview of them to make it clear for you; What you can enjoy to let you choose the best as follows:
🔰WhatsApp Black:
🔆The most popular version used by many associated with high performance phones; Advanced capabilities, and you will not find any feature in the WhatsApp Gold applications that is not available in it.
🔆One of the premium versions, it can work on any device, and it gives you all the features; With the possibility of opening more than one account through it.
🔆 A version designed to work with older phones, even those that no longer support regular WhatsApp on them; WhatsApp Black🤗 can be used easily and simply.
How to Convert Original WhatsApp to WhatsApp Black
Conversion between this and that requires some necessary procedures, including:
💠 Make a copy of the data: This is so that you do not lose it, and this can be done through the application settings.
💠 Change clipboard name: stored in your phone storage, by changing the name of the desired copy, the data saved in it will be transferred easily.
💠Download, install and restore the copy as we explained above.
How to run WhatsApp Black with one number on more than one mobile?!
There is a way that allows you to unlock the same number from two applications as follows:
🌐 Make sure you have WhatsApp Black open on your interface.
🌐 Go to Settings and then choose Extensions, which is the second option.
🌐You will notice that there is a list of the number of numbers that can be unlocked, and it goes up to 7 numbers.
🌐 Start by registering accounts with these numbers, and continue with the known methods.
Frequently asked questions about downloading WhatsApp Black latest update for Android APK
💠 Can downloading WhatsApp Black harm my phone or bring hackers to me?
No, the application cannot harm the security resulting from the installation on the device, nor the security of the user, conversations and information available on it.
💠Can I install the latest version of WhatsApp Black via the website?
Yes, this is possible, and it can also be installed through the current article, while you follow to the end, where we provide you with the necessary links to download.
💠Why is WhatsApp Black suspended?
The reason does not come from the application itself, but rather the blocking occurs when the application is exploited, run and used incorrectly, and there are direct reasons for this, which are:
🔆Use many links to join a large number of groups on the app in a short time and repeat it in a strange way.
🔆Increasing the number of messages that are sent to new people in a short time, so that they appear as random, non-targeted messages.
🔆Use random links that include you in profitable groups in unusual and frequent ways.
🔆 Frequent removal and reinstallation for no apparent reason.
🔆These issues cause pauses and negatively affect expected updates to the app.
💠Can I log in with two accounts on the same app?
Yes, this is available to you with the new WhatsApp Black updates, and you can adjust this through the settings; This feature helps you to receive notifications from both accounts at the same time, without one affecting the other.
💠Why should I download the anti-ban version?
To take advantage of the new features and functions installed on the application, and because the application is safe and impossible to prevent or stop it.
💠Can WhatsApp Black be used without ads?
Of course, because the application is originally without ads on it, and you cannot even find a single advertisement while using it.
💠How to backup chats in the app?
Do this by going to Settings, and you will find it in the application, then choose Chats, and set the version through it.
Then go to the storage on the device, and find a folder called WhatsApp.
Long press on the file, and you will see several options, one of which allows you to copy clipboard, copy and keep in the cloud, or another device such as a computer.
Final words about downloading WhatsApp Black APK for Android latest version:
The application is popular and has gained a lot of acceptance and attention, and it gained that reputation in a short time of its production, because it made available to users what they wanted in detail, and gave them the attention they requested; They are always working on improvement and renewal to keep up with their peers.